Advantages of Solar Air Collectors
Solar air heating systems can inexpensively supply a major part of heat demand in a home or building using passive solar in combination with a solar powered PV fan. They draw in fresh air from outside and circulate it through a labyrinth of black aluminum solar air heating panels with a special selective coating to absorb maximum heat possible. Through a PV fan, this heated air is driven into the dwelling for transferring energy without further loss. This mechanism works best for the summer, spring and fall months while bringing an increase in internal temperature from 20-40 C (70-90 F)! In colder climate conditions such as Northern America, the outside temperature can go down to -30-40 F and in such situations the basic solar air collectors like SAH30 won’t be able to provide enough heat. However, the advanced models like SAH34 are designed to efficiently draw in air from the building or its basement and making it pass over the solar air heating panel to reheat an...